Essex CM1 2RY
A personal service throughout the denture process

This option would be for the patient who wants a good quality denture. Although the range of tooth shapes and colours and choice of materials is not as extensive as our other option, no compromise is made in the denture construction and quality of service. We can assure you of a good final result that will not look like false teeth.
Premium Plus
To produce these dentures requires a much higher level of technical ability and increased laboratory and clinical time. It is possible to copy photographs of your natural teeth taken before tooth loss as there is a very wide choice of tooth shapes and colours to choose from. Teeth with a 'Pearl Effect' surface finish are used in these dentures which recreate the warmth and character of a natural tooth. The latest pearlescent Hollywood white shades are also offered which produce a more cosmetic result. Injection moulded impact resistant materials ensure the dentures strength, fit and longevity.